Aviation Links for Student Pilots
"With a membership base of more than 415,000, or two thirds of all
pilots in the United States, AOPA is the largest, most influential
aviation association in the world. AOPA has achieved its prominent
position through effective advocacy, enlightened leadership, technical
competence, and hard work. Providing member services that range from
representation at the federal, state, and local levels to legal
services, advice, and other assistance, AOPA has built a service
organization that far exceeds any other in the aviation community."
Aircraft Owners & Pilot's Association • http://www.aopa.org
"The AOPA Air Safety Foundation is a nonprofit, tax exempt organization
promoting safety and pilot proficiency in general aviation through
quality training, education, research, analysis, and the dissemination
of information."
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Air Safety Foundation www.aopa.org/asf/
"Sporty's, the world's largest pilot shop, has been
offering high quality aviation products and supplies for more than 45
years. Many of these products are designed in house by our staff of
pilots and tested in our flight school. Our experience as pilots, as
educators, as airport managers, as aviation advocates - along with our
many other endeavors - affords us a unique qualification to provide only
the products and services that are the best value to our customers."
Sporty's Pilot Shop www.sportys.com
"EAA is a growing and diverse organization of members with a wide range
of aviation interests and backgrounds. EAA was founded in 1953 by a
group of individuals in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who were interested in
building their own airplanes. Through the decades, the organization
expanded its mission to include antiques, classics, warbirds, aerobatic
aircraft, ultralights, helicoptors and contemporary manufactured
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) www.eaa.org
"The Young Eagles program was launched in
1992 by EAA the Experimental Aircraft Association, based in Oshkosh
Wisconsin. Our mission is to provide a meaningful flight experience -
free of charge - in a general aviation aircraft for young people
(primarily between the ages of 8 and 17. Since the program began, more than 1.3
million Young Eagles have flown under the auspices of the program.
These flights have been provided through the generosity of more than
40,000 EAA member volunteer pilots."
EAA Young Eagles Program www.youngeagles.org
All logos are the trademarks of their owners. Logo usage does not imply endorsement of our products, we just really like these organizations. :)